Ocean Safety Tips
It’s almost the end of summer and we’re all excited to get in the ocean. But in between killer Instagram photos and making honu friends there are a few things to keep in mind--
1) Read the signs
The State of Hawaii puts out signs when there are dangerous conditions in the water such as strong currents, dangerous shore break, and even jellyfish! Keep an eye on these warnings and respect them, especially if you aren’t an expert oceanographer (yet).
2) Don’t Go Out Alone
Many of the best beaches in Hawaii don’t have lifeguards, and sometimes we all want to enjoy our own paradise lost. But that doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind. Besides, aren’t the best experiences in life shared?
3) Beat the Heat
And hydrate! Always wear (reef safe!) sunblock and remember to reapply. You might not notice the heat getting to you, but you don’t want to come home and find out you’ve burn to a crisp. So get some shade if you need it, and always drink enough water! (POG counts too.)
4) Never Turn Your Back On The Ocean
Especially in winter shore break! Part of what makes the beach so fun is how changing and unpredictable it is. But we also don’t want to get swept away by any rogue waves, do we?
5) Listen to the Life Guard
From their spot on the beach lifeguards can see more hazards than you might expect, including wildlife and dangerous currents. So if you hear them over the megaphone, pay attention! They might even tell you when a monk seal is around…
And finally--
6) When in Doubt, Don’t Go Out